Thursday, December 26, 2013

Jay's 3174 setup instructions

Re: 3174 ( and Jay's parms)

Last year, Jay sent me these customization parms which worked well
for me. (Thanks again, Jay) I found that the 3278, 3178, 3191 (from
heaviest to lightest) work the best. The 3279 seems to work okay but
as I indicated previously, graphics support is disabled.
Dave S.
(Following from Jay)-------------------------------------
Here you go:

This configuration is defined to use 2 physical terminals with 5
terminal sessions each. There is no SNA host on my network, so SNA
parameters are only specified enough to keep the customization
happy. My controller does not have AEA hardware, so it's disabled and
customization is done for it. Questions not specified here are
allowed to

Main menu option 1, customization:


098 FOO (online test password)
099 whatever (product assistance data)
100 63R (controller model)
101 7 (host attach via Token Ring)
102 1 (LAN adapter type)

Token-Ring Description:

080 4000 C0A8 4902 (address; 40000 + hex value of IP address)
082 1 (16 MBPS ring speed, with no early release)


106 4000 C0A8 4902 04 (address and SAP)
107 4000 C0A8 4901 04 (gateway address and SAP; dummy value)
108 23V4504 (my machine S/N)
110 2 0000 (MLT configuration: allow controller to assign addresses)
116 1_ __ (MLT addressing)

Common SNA:

all defaults

117 - Port Assignment:

Enter 5 for IS for first two ports (26-00 and 26-01), and any others
intend to use.

Frame Relay Description:

300 0 (disable frame relay)

End-User Productivity Functions:

001 0000 (Local Copy print queue buffer size)
002 1 (calculator function - RPN)
003 0 (5250 emulation off)
004 5 (LAN T1 timer)
005 07 (LAN retry count)
006 N (copy from session to session)
007 N (HAP sharing for local copy)
008 Y (CSCF IML passwor drequired)
009 all 0s (nonstandard options)

Save your responses.

Main menu option 5, AEA/TCP/IP configuration:

AEA and TCP/IP Configure:

700 0 1 (disable AEA, enable TCP/IP)

Port set:

1 Name 3270DISP, session limit 5, port type 1

Port to Port Set Map:

Enter 1 in ports 26-00 and 26-01. (And any others you intend to use.)

There will be 4 AEA and TCP/IP station sets.

Set 1:
721 UNUSED SNA (station set name)
722 3H (station type: 3270 host)

Set 2:
721 TELNET (station set name)
722 TH (telnet host)
751 4 (emulate VT220 with 7-bit controls)
763 0 (new line option: don't assume LF with CR)

Set 3:
721 TN3270 (station set name)
722 TH (telnet host)
751 6 (TN3270)

Set 4:
721 3270 DISPLAYS (station set name)
722 3D (station type: 3270 display)
723 3270DISP (port set name)

AEA and TCP/IP Default Destination:

Leave all entries blank. This will force all logical terminals to the
connection menu.

TCP/IP Options Menu:

052 (3174 IP address; change as needed for your LAN)
054 (IP subnet mask; change as needed)
057 N (3174 will not do IP routing)
058 010 (maximum telnet sessions; set to 5*number of devices)
059 00 (maximum printer connections)
060 0020 (TCP/IP buffer space, in KB; adjust as needed once you see
how much
memory is actually used)
062 Y (routing field support)
064 Y (all routes broadcast)

TCP/IP Routing Information:

Enter one route, no destination IP address, type D (default), router
address (or whatever your default gateway is).

TCP/IP Domain Name Services: (Change these as needed.)

Controller Hostname: MRSQUEAK
Controller Domain Name: CONMICRO CX (note the space instead of dot)
Domain Nameserver IP Addresses:

TCP/IP Controller Defined Nicknames:

Leave blank. (Unless you want to define the equivalent of /etc/hosts.)

Save responses. You're done.

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